Friday, August 15, 2008


All creations adore the CREATOR in words and deeds, adoration by way of outward expressions and by way of internal meditation in solitude. Man being the commander-in-chief of all creations has devised methods of controlling both human beings and animals. While exercising the surveillance over the nature he has to adopt DUAL TACTICS to balance his actions without disturbing the inter dependance of the human beings & the animals and also to a  certain extent the vegitation. This quality of Dual Nature OR control was gifted by GOD to set right the life style of mankind, by highlighting the GOOD from EVIL. Comparative element was always directing his ideas & thoughts before putting them into action. He always cautioned himself from the Devilish Attitude on account of the higher level of GOD'S NATURE in him , in suduing the damaging actions. The very nature which provides us with the prime necessities in life, viz- AIR-WATER-FIRE to maintain & sustain life has given us also the Wisdom to understand the DUAL QUALITIES of those essential elements.

The qualities of these essential elements are-1) AIR: Gives life & takes away life(Suffocation), 2) WATER: Gives life& takes away life( Drowning), 3) FIRE: Gives life & takes away life( Burning) and 4) FOOD: gives life & takes away life( Over eating). The human beings are vested with the most complex nature of mind. The complexities in man enable him to decide upon the correct solution by tossing the mind in all directions and hit on the positive side to attain the result. Patience & Perseverance are the most needed tools to shape our DUAL THINKING into positive end, beneficial to others. Judicial dispensation of problems confronting the Human beings is the only solution to drive off the Evil nature in man for the bettermentof the Society at large.

Abraham Mangalath

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