Saturday, April 2, 2022



Terrorism is an act of Evil and has to be condemned by one and all, irrespective of any consideration. We are all in this human shape created by GOD and placed in different areas to look after our fellow beings. GOD has given us the Spirit of tolerance and co-existence duly Sharing, Caring and Bearing all kinds of happy and unhappy situations. Man made bifurcations are only to give variations in our approach to the common problems confronting the people of the world living in different areas of their choice. anybody found guilty of any Evil doing, is to be viewed as a criminal without any sort of consideration based on his/her social status or religion/country etc. This kind pf approach only will take us to a common GOAL of annihilating the DEVIL from our midst. Taking sides in such circumstances will viciate the very nature of our existence as Human beings, responsible for the protection and maintenance of all species living in this world.

Therefore, let not our thoughts and action be biased on introvert tendencies, but instead oriented on common interests beneficial to the people at large. Let the Religious faith of a person be his/her choice and let it not be mixed with the harmonious set up of the society by unnecessary exposure. The cream of all faith can be harnessed to nourish the growth of the social structure, to a healthy and peaceful state. Let us put our shoulders together under ONE YOKE and try to pull out of the DEVIL and his KINGDOM from the face of this MOTHER EARTH, whose children are to be ONE IN BODY AND SPIRIT ...

  M P Abraham