Wednesday, May 22, 2013


  The game of Cricket was started in England as a recreation during the winter. It gave the players amble exercise to warm up their body in the Sun in winter season. Normally the time was chosen between  9 AM to 5 PM and the game went on one hour before Sun set. It was also meant for elderly people who could afford plenty of time to spend for the whole day game.

The trend of the game changed as time passed and it spread over to other major countries. The most important benefit gained in this game was Patience and Observation and concentration etc in each stage of the game. Persistent and consistent efforts with high sense of decision could only make a good player.

This game was known as Gentleman’s Game, as a temperamental person could not play this game with accuracy and precision. Of late the game of Cricket has gone into the hands of bad managers who slowly twisted this game into a game of Speculation and Betting, resulting in lot of corruption and unholy affairs amongst the money mongers who viewed the Cricket matches as sources of minting MONEY!

The betting game started amongst the lovers of the game to induce competition and playing spirit in the game. Later on  it was becoming popular amongst the  sponsors and other agencies who played the role of middlemen . Slowly the circle of influence of moneyed people worked through the organizers and even Players and attracted them with fabulous money gain in the whole playing season!. These money mongers exploited the weakness of few of the cricketers and started the “Fixing of Game” as we call it now. Thus the Virginity of the game was lost, and the whole system went into the hands of the wicked people who took over the reins causing irreparable damage to this “Sober Game” .I have adopted the Caption as BBB- BOWLING/BATTING/BETTING. The  remote controls ( The Betting Gangs with underground connections)  control the game and secretly pass on the  changes to be adopted in BOWLING action or BATTING action as the case may be, either by prefixing  or by gesticulations or otherwise in the field.

Since the Game of Cricket has gone into the hands of wealthy people, the remunerations to the players are also very big and fabulous sums. Thus the evil doers who control from outside make lot of money in the whole process. I will stop short of my note here, with a request to all the readers to refer my note in this matter in  my web site dated  15th May 2013.
Abraham Mangalath Philip

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