Wednesday, August 13, 2014



Smt. Arundhathi Roy has taken the role of a person who can comment on the Rastrapitha, in her characteristic style of writing a book. Freedom of speech does not mean that one can say or write whatever comes in one’s mind. Her speech on a public stage about Gandhiji was reported by the visual media recently. She spoke as if she was an eye witness of Mahatma Gandhi’s life in South Africa!!

Presumption mixed with guesswork, followed with own interpretation on Mahatma Gandhi and his life are not for the younger generations of today to comment upon. When I was 14 years old my father told me that he has seen Gandhi in person, and he narrated the life and works, and death of Mahatma Gandhi in January 1948.

“Tongue is mightier than the Sword “, as also “Spoken words “are mightier than Pen..One should not forget the above saying while speaking in public, and should control the tongue as the words spoken cannot be retrieved.. The writings can be erased, but our words will move about in a Sinusoidal wave and remain in air and can be harnessed through the Electronic media by the coming generations..

In this context I can only say with Dr. Johnson. “IGNORANCE MADAM, PURE IGNORANCE”. Dr. Johnson told these words to the Land Lady when he was climbing the locked main gate while the wicket gate was fully opened!
Abraham Mangalath

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