Tuesday, December 23, 2014


The Religious leaders nowadays are “beating about the Bush. I have a feeling that they do not keep track of their assignments in enriching the sense of Morality and Godliness in Men & Women. Instead of concentrating on their intended duties, they undo their responsibility in correcting the way of life of the people around, and interfere with the political aspects of the society.

We have the elected representatives to upkeep the political/social and cultural needs of the people and create an atmosphere of peaceful existence of them with a common line of thought and action.  The dual nature of man always causes problems to the administrators and therefore they have to strike a “least line of resistance” in the Government machinery in formulating Policies to cater for all.

The Religious heads must concentrate on the daily lives of common man, spend time with them both in Sorrows and Happiness and instill in them the spirit of living together with mutual care and support. Constant counselling on moral side of life is an essential component in the religious teachings of all the religions.  According to the Bible, Jesus Christ went round the places and kept company with all people without any discrimination and shared the life of poor and marginalized sections of the society.
 Of late we find that church leaders who are to follow the footsteps of Christ, are never seen with the common people to attend to their personal necessities. They are always under “cover” and do not expose freely to the public gathering like marriage reception and  do not participate  or share  the  company of the people in the common feast .. Why such distance is maintained by them, when our MASTER was with everyone during His Sojourn on this Earth
The Religious heads must stop the “Dog in the Manger” policy and confine themselves in the Religious aspect and teach the people to lead a life of tranquility & peace, instead of running about and criticizing the actions of the Government in the matters of “Policies & Procedures”
 The press conferences and stage shows must stop and they must come back to the Biblical Teachings and lead the people in the right directions that GOD want us to live.
Our Religious hierarchy is slowly denting the fabrics of “unity in action” by all the religious denominations..
 Politicians will look after the common needs of everyone, diligently and thoughtfully applying the Rule of Common Sense and the existing Law of the land..
A Divine approach to our problems will not go unanswered, as GOD is GREAT and above all understanding>>>

Abraham Mangalath Philip.

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