Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Good Shepherd

RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP is a unique position instituted by the GOD Almighty . Very few attain this Glorious status. Many aspire to attain this status but very few are raised to this Religious cadre. The Shepherd has the greatest responsibility of leading the sheep to the GREEN PASTURES. It is a difficult process as the fold holds all types of sheep. But the constant nursing and caring, keep the sheep together under the Master. Some stray ones in the fold gives strain to the shepherd, but such truant sheep, always keep the shepherd alert and he lists them one by one with particular attention. Even though the sheep go out side the fold, the shepherd takes the strain and absorbs all the shocks and protects his sheep from all impending danger. The action of the EDAYAN is similar to the BUFFER OF THE TRAIN. The buffer takes all the shocks on the run and keeps the Train safe with out derailment. But few instances of the past reveal that some of the Shepherd escapes from the momentary stress 7 Strain, deserting the sheep. Such cases of desertion of the sheep in wilderness are rare. But there may be isolated incidents in the Religious Community. The reason for such Leadership failure is due to the introvert nature of the Leader resulting in evading of responsibility of his sheep. These uncommitted leaders in any section of the society will cause damage to the social fabric. Instead of shrouding the sheep with the Spiritual Blanket to protect them from the nature the shepherd runs away putting the herds unguarded.

The church leadership is to be different, in the sense, that it shall not disown responsibility, but hold the fort guarded against intruders and “ Wolves in Sheep Skins” The departmental and even Government officials normally pass on the responsibility down the line. Selfless and sacrificial Love only can sustain the responsibility and Leadership Qualities in any organization, particularly in the religious circles.

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