Sunday, September 7, 2008



The Devil takes over when the mind is idle. That is happening amongst the Youth of today. For want of UTILISATION of Talents of each individual, many youngsters are struggling to get through life. Numerous reasons can be attributed for this state of affairs. But all said and done, each individual has to sharpen his/her tools to shape the future in a better way duly aiming at a common goal beneficial to all.

Each person is a UNIQUE CREATION with a definite purpose in life. It is for us to find out this unique quality at the beginning stage of every individual. Parents do have an important role to play in bringing up the children a in their infancy. The Primary level teachers also have to concentrate and tune up the children to grow in body & spirit at the appropriate level of training.

The First stage is 0 to 1st year: - Inside the Womb

This stage of life is the one that each one of us has undergone in the Mother’s womb. This unseen stage of gestation is very important as the child absorbs energy and qualities of the mother as it grows inside the womb. The child comes to the world with this BUILT-IN POWER and initiates its movements. Therefore, the period from the conception to delivery is the most important stage of a human being.

The Second Stage is 1 to 7 years. Infancy.

The Plastic stage of life begins here. The parents carefully deal with the child to Tune & Tone up to grow in the Ideal Path. This stage is very delicate and to be handled with caution as the child repeats or imitates the parents in their movements & outward expression. This is the MOULDING stage and the potter has to be careful in shaping the child in the correct mould for better use of his/her talents in the life ahead. This grooming of the children in the Plastic Stage will Stand in Good stead in their next stage of 7 to 14 yrs.

The Third Stage is 7 to 14 years. Adolescence:-

This stage is the crucial one of Development of Body & Mind. Here the parents have to be doubly careful in dealing the children in sorting out their daily problems at home & school. Stitch in Time Saves Nine…Clearing of all the doubts and apprehensions and guiding them to the correct PATH of life is the Primary duty of the Parents as well as the Teachers. This will enable the children to take decision with out any hesitation or confusion. Close interaction is necessary during this period, and the training & guidance gained will go a long way and protect the children from all Perils & Dangers of lThe

Fourth Stage is 14 to Youth & Old age:-
This stage is the true outcome of the previous stages. The person only performs as he/she is trained in the earlier stages. Not much of Corrections or deviation can be expected in this period of life. The individual will hold firm on the principles & the way he/she was brought up. The CHILD IS THE FATHER OF MAN saying will be proved to the hilt in ones life , if all these stages are properly handled by the Parents & all those who train up the children for a Peaceful & Fruitful life.

Abraham Mangalath Philip

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