Monday, September 1, 2008


Jesus Christ the Son of God was the greatest Communist ever lived on this Earth. His Teachings and His Life are the core element in everyman’s life. The transmission of Love to other fellow beings through mutual help and support in sorrow and happiness must be the Goal in one’s life. This way of life, in every person’s struggle for existence, is to be our Endeavour.
JESUS CHRIST taught us the MEANS to achieve the END. The communists as of day take any MEANS to achieve the END. Their policy is END Justifies the MEANS, where as Jesus Christ gave us the ONLY MEANS to justify the END. That is the difference.

The present out look on Communism is something beyond the common understanding of its virtues and practical implementation. The yester year’s political leaders have been following the principle of peaceful existence in its correct perspective. But as time went on, the concept was thwarted and a deviation route was followed, thereby orienting the political culture to a vitiated atmosphere.

God created man with different talents to make life worthy of living. Distribution of works to different persons according to his/her capacity/talent, made the whole world on firm foundation. We see this quality in every human being we come across. A carpenter does his job efficiently, a blacksmith his job and the mason in another fashion. If these people are interchanged in their jobs, the ultimate result will be what? A total disarray and confusion. I may be a good Engineer, but may not be a good artist to make a sculpture. Distribution of jobs according to the talent of a person is the most important duty of a Leader, whether in the Administration or in any other field of activity for the betterment of the society.

Unless the above principles of life is understood well, we will not be good administers or good servants of the people. The life is a mixture of good & evil, and we have to choose the right thing at the right moment. There is an important system in Management. That is, The Right Person, in the right Job, in the Right Time. Once this combination of events matches, the progress will be of a galloping nature. Equality is important for all, with specific need for food shelter, clothing and equal opportunities in other spheres in life. But difference in level of understanding and skill varies with individuals, as stated above, in their TALENTS given by the Creator of this Universe. We have to admit that and face life in that manner. People, above us and below us in the society, have to be respected in their level to keep the equilibrium of LIFE. Each person is UNIQUE IN NATURE and has a specific task to perform in life. To identify that is the primary duty of all of us.

Once this is done in our day to day life, whether in Industrial units, in Educational Institutions, in Agricultural fields or anywhere for that matter, we will be enjoying better living conditions, may be like, MAVELI VANIDUM KALAM!

Abraham Mangalath

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