Sunday, June 24, 2012


Positive & Negative Mental Attitudes
When God created man, HE created him with fullness of life giving him the choice to select the good and reject the evil thoughts. Both these qualities, the Positive & negative Mental Attitudes (PMA & NMA) were given to man only to have a comparison between the two and to adopt the +ve nature by experiencing the evil effects of the –ve attitudes.
The negative attitude only influenced Cain to kill his brother. This negative attitude was inherited by him from ADAM who disobeyed God and followed the ways of the Satan. That nature of man is still perpetuated and propagated though the generations starting from Abraham/Isaac/Jacob. The Devil took over control of the mankind and the human beings resorted to “short cuts” to achieve his goal adopting the –ve means in life. The +ve side of life can only thrive if there are challenges of overpowering the devilish ideas by patient and persistent action. 
The Politics & the Religions have tread on the path of good & evil in the administration, whether it is Assembly or Parliament or Religious meetings. The positive nature will always have a predetermined plan and path and one has to strive hard to attain the desired end by judiciously adopting the same. The negative side always resort to short circuiting the regular means and takes over the “end justifies the means” method and creates unholy and unhealthy situations.
Of late the political parties and religious denominations have fallen into –ve category to achieve their mission, as the +ve thinking is always time consuming and painstaking.  The party feelings are uppermost amongst the different groups and this leads to crude & rude behavior towards other groups resulting in heinous crimes. Cooperation and mutual respects are not found in the life style of the Politicians & Religious leaders. They disregard the points of view of others with contempt or disdain.
The Religious circle also is incorrigibly damaged by the –ve attitudes of the leaders in all the denominations. More so, it is felt very badly in our Christian leadership. The shepherd is not able to understand the “pains & agonies” of the sheep. The short tempered leader gets annoyed when there is a problem. Instead of finding a solution, he passes it on to the lower level thereby causing irreparable damage to the religious fabric.
Jesus said, “I have come to serve & not to be served”. This positive nature has been turned turtle by the present religious leaders. Their attitude is just the Reverse!  They have the attitude “we have come to be served & not to serve”.  No patience to hear the problems slowly and to act “slow and steady” with forethought and cooperation with people around.  
We are on the last Lap of our Journey on the Earth. God will definitely remold and recast His creations very soon, as HE cannot bear with the present generation anymore…

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