Wednesday, June 20, 2012


     Political Revival

Political activity in life is a noble service to the people of a democratic country. Selfless and sacrificial life for the society must be the main goal for any politician. Now the whole concept of politics has been waylaid by rude & crude people who enter into politics with “ AN AXE TO GRIND”. There  are  criminals also finding a place in this group of BAD politicians. These people uphold the party spirit very often higher than the selfless service to the fellow countrymen. The concerted efforts of all the political denominations are not found in the REALM of politics in India. Everyone finds faults with others and do not very often highlight the policies and projects for the betterment of the public at large.

The State Assembly OR  the Parliament are very serene and august places where administrators gather together to decide on the burning issues of the State or Country. But very often we find that these two VENUES are turning to a CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE FIELD between rivals. They care a TWOPENCE for the Time Loss or the Monetary Loss in such Assembly or Parliament session.

It is high time that the Politicians wake up from their insubordination and indiscipline and join hands together for the progress of the Nation in this competitive world of today

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