Sunday, September 30, 2012


                              HARTHAL – CAN WE AFFORD TO LOSE TIME & MONEY & LIFE-
Mr. J B Koshy the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission has rightly commented on the occurrence of HARTHAL in our life almost on a chartered fashion.  Of late, we have seen that the political leaders are not concerned with the heavy damages it causes to the State’s Exchequer. We have elected representatives both in the Parliament and in the State assembly to look after the problems of the people living in their respective districts or areas they represent. But instead of bringing these issues to the assembly/parliament and sorting out the problems on priority basis and arriving at an amicable solution , it is observed that they enter into arguments and counter arguments and finally disperse without any fruitful result. These MLAs/MPs are unable to decide the issues in a democratic approach, but resort to violent methods resulting in chaos during the Assembly/Parliament sessions.
Unable to discuss and come out with an agreed solution, these MLAs/MPs resort to HARTHAL by forcing the public to agitate and destroy public properties and even endangering life of the people. Definitely the Harthal is a damaging factor in the life of the people and has to be called off from the Political “Vedanda”. All our 140 MLAS and 20 MPs must be able to sort out the State’s problem in a sober way than this direct action outside the Assembly/Parliament houses. The inefficiency of the elected person in suggesting proper solutions by mutual discussion is proved in this type of uncontrolled public agitations. The leaders are unable to LEAD ?. Such situations are disastrous for any nation in its progress towards better economy and financial security of the country/state. Offensive methods of rectification are not the intended mission of a Democratic Governance.
Let us all be sober in our thoughts, attitudes and action for the benefit of the larger sections of the society, so that they may live in peace without fear of the unexpected and untimely end of their lives & belongings….

Abraham Mangalath Philip

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