Monday, February 18, 2013




Earlier I wrote on the subject of cruelties meted out to women with special mention of the SURYANELLI CASE. The problems we confront in this period of time were also seen during the past centuries. But the society had its preventive measures to set right things within a controllable level. But the present generation broke all standards of living in a society by inducing foreign elements in our day to day lives and changing the life style by adopting evil procedures not acceptable to the general public. Men & women started dressing in whatever manner they liked, leaving all the existing norms. Women dressed in man’s apparel are moving in public places against the customary dress code given by the religious teachings. In BIBLE specific mention is made in the Old Testament -ie in DEUTRONOMY chapter 22-5... The changes that took place in the public behaviour of men & women have given rise to the evil thoughts in human beings particularly to men folk in their attitudes towards women.

Due to the mounting problems reported, I had even suggested that women may like to have separate states of their own to be safe from the SEX mongers! But on second thought I changed my view, as it will be far from the Natural Law and does not fit into human life. Male & Female have to stay together and there is sufficient networking to be one unit without damaging the security of both. In this modern outlook, men and women wanted to excel in their life by way of profession, business etc. This competition did not go without prejudice to each other resulting in unpleasant situations in the family unit. The intended mission of our life on this Planet Earth was to be ONE IN TWO FORMS – Men & Women. As time passed by, Mutual respect and acceptance were lost and individual instincts commanded the daily life.

The children lost their parental care and protection as, either the mother is not at home or the father busy outside. Both conditions badly affected the well beings of the children.  The Home maker‘s absence at home affects the growth of the child leading to frustration in the minds of the children. This state of mind will be drifting off the youngsters to other people to give vent to their feelings at school or at home.

Home management is not an easy affair. It is as important as managing an office/business.  The sacred unit-Family- the nucleus of the society is ignored. This causes dent in the family unit and causes irreparable & incorrigible damage to the social fabric.

It is strange to see that nobody takes note of this deterioration in the family/society at appropriate level of control and applies remedial measures to curb the disastrous tendencies in men/women.

The over doings of the Press/Visual media also promotes ill feelings amongst different political and social organisations.

In fact the matters, under the examination of the Judiciary, should not be discussed in video conference in TV channels, or personal interviews, as it will vitiate the whole process of the Judiciary. Also such discussions will create hatred and ill will amongst the people. Therefore such parallel set up when Legal Proceedings are afoot, is undesirable. The role of the media must be to communicate authentic news and decisions of the Government without any addition or omission thereby forming a true link between the Government & the Public. They should not enter into individual or group TRIALS on the screen. TRIALS and final judgement will be done by the appropriate court of Law. Overindulgence of the visual media will trigger unwholesome reactions from the public.

Therefore let us be ready and rise to the occasion without hastily changing or introducing extra provisions, in the well built “Constitutional directions. Once we religiously follow these provisions, these evils in the society will slowly disappear in a phased manner.

Abraham Philip


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