Saturday, November 24, 2007

Zonal Formation of India

To all my friends in India

Immediately after attaining Independence from Foreign Rule, we divided the Indian Union into diferent States based on the Linquistic considerations. Our experineces during the past 60 years show that we were not very peacefully existing, due to lot of disturbances betwen the states on different counts, mostly created by the introvert attitudes of the people with selfish motives. The elected representitives also played a big role in creating hatred and ill will amongst the people of neighbouing states. Therefore our lives after becoming a free nation were in disharmony for some reason or other. To mitigate and reduce our living conditions, I personally feel that we should go in for a different form of Governance by adopting a Zonal based set up, as narrated below.

ZONE-A. NORTH ZONE. Between Lattitude 28 to 36 Degrees.

ZONE-B. WEST ZONE. Between Lattitude 20 to 28 Degres &
between Longitude 68 to 80 Degrees.
ZONE-C EAST ZONE. Between Lattiude 20 to 28 Degrees&
between Longitude 80 to 96 Degrees.
ZONE-D. SOUTH ZONE. Between Lattitude 8 to 20 Degrees.

If this formation is adopted, there cannot be any ill feeling on account of Linquistic reasons, and people will have opportunity to mingle each other and stay in unity, helping each other in their daily needs. Self centered attitudes also will disappear. All the Four Zones will be responsible to the CENTRE GOVT. in Administration.Language will not be a handicap in such set up as we have learned to live in any place we are placed on this GLOBE!.

I hope this suggestion of mine may be considered and Adopted in our future planning for a better and peaceful existence in this beautiful Country of Ours

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